Quality of life - A patient's story
Quality of Life - A Patient's Story
7 May 2024
Lars Johansson had a PeritX catheter implanted in May 2023. He and his wife Anita have been conducting the drainage at home, and he wants to share his experience to help other patients with recurrent ascites understand the benefits of improving their quality of life.
Lars lives with his wife Anita in a small community in the south of Sweden. Lars is 76 years old, and Anita is 69. They met on the dance floor in 1970 and have been married for 50 years in January 2024. They both have an active life with a big family – 3 children, 8 grandchildren and 5 step-grandchildren – and lots of hobbies. Lars loves football and was active as a football coach for kids. They have a caravan and traveling the country with it was a very important part of their life.
Life before PeritX
Until the fall of 2020 Lars was an active man but then his belly swelled up over time. One day when they cleaned their caravan in the driveway, his condition worsened so they had to visit the emergency department. Many tests later, he was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis due to alcohol. He started his journey to quit drinking and was put on diuretics. Lars also has some comorbidities like heart failure, which do not make his situation easier.
After this day his life changed. Between 2020-2023, Lars needed to drain ascites every 4 to 5 weeks. This meant going to the hospital and conducting the, as he said, painful paracentesis procedure. This took a couple of hours before going home the same day. By early 2023, he had to be booked at the hospital every 2 weeks to drain 8 liters at a time. Everyday life before each procedure was very hard. Lars found it difficult to breathe and had no mobility or energy. He lost his appetite and could not put his trousers on because of the swelling. “It was most difficult in the days before the draining” he says, “and a big relief to get it done despite the painful procedure.” He found the subcutaneous injection of anesthesia prior to the paracentesis to be the most painful part.
Anita described this time as very hard, where they also had to call an ambulance a couple of times.
Discovering the solution
The first time a physician mentioned the option of having a PeritX implanted was at a paracentesis procedure in February 2023. The gastroenterologist (Li Olofsson) observed how the repeated procedures effected Lars, and the negative impact the worsening symptoms had on Lars and Anita’s lives. It sounded like a good solution, but they still had many uncertainties. Lars was afraid it would be too hard for Anita to handle, and there was a fear of losing the close and secure connection with the hospital. They found the ewimed brochure very good and informative but felt there was a lack of other patients’ experiences with the catheter.
Anita’s requirement was not to involve any home healthcare, they wanted to take care of the drainage themselves. A supporting factor for the decision was their daughter-in-law, who was familiar with the system from working with lung patients. She was positive to the procedure since she had seen the clear benefits for patients.
Implantation and adjustment period
Lars and Anita finally made the decision, and he was scheduled to get the catheter implanted on May 4, 2023. Lars says: “The procedure was nothing strange, it felt safe and by this point you are used to it”. A few days after the implantation, ewimed’s instruction nurse visited them at home for the drainage training and they emptied 2 liters together. The ordination was to drain a maximum of 2000 ml 3 times a week.
There were a few complications. Some leakage from the wound after implantation, which stopped after a week. Itching of the skin under the dressing, which was solved by using a different dressing for sensitive skin. In June a sepsis developed. Antibiotics solved the infection and Lars could keep the catheter. They were thrilled about keeping the catheter since they could now travel to a hunting lodge in their caravan.
As time went on, they continued with their normal life. The amount of ascites decreased and by the end of October his ordination was changed to drainage every 3 days.
When we visited Lars and Anita in December 2023, Anita emptied 1800ml within 10 to 15 minutes and the whole procedure was finished in less than 30 minutes. Lars was on his bed and Anita prepared the bedside table with the ewimed drainage set. They are grateful for the set, having everything they need to keep the routine clean and easy.
Benefits of having the implanted catheter
Lars mentions “The immediate benefits are of course no need for hospital visits, less fluid per drainage, and continuous symptom relief! We now have the flexibility to live in our caravan the whole summer and fall season.” He has also regained his appetite.
“Getting the catheter implanted was a very good decision. After the training at home, drainage has not been difficult. Only changing the dressing is difficult for one person to do,” says Lars with a laugh “but after doing this a few times together with Anita it’s a routine that has allowed me to regain mobility.” They continue to have regular contact with the hospital as well. For Anita, helping Lars has been easy and she finds is comforting to witness his improved well-being. “He is more independent and feels better” she says.
Lars wants to share his story to encourage other patients with recurring ascites or pleural effusion to take the step. ”You should take the decision without a doubt if it suits you! You can be at home in peace and spend time with family instead of being at the hospital” he says. The benefits far outweigh the fears he had, and they would have made the decision earlier if they had heard of other patient stories.
When our Key Account Manager Gana visited the couple for the interview, it was shortly before Christmas and there was an air of holiday anticipation. They planned to visit friends in the evening to play board games. With Lars’ condition under control, Anita could also focus on preparing for Christmas with the family. She was planning to decorate the house and prepare the Christmas baking for the hugely appreciated family gathering. Celebrating Christmas at home with family is very much appreciated and greatly improves their quality of life!
Andra inlägg
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ewimed Report 2024
ewimed Report 2024
ewimed report 2024
We are pleased to present the third edition of the ewimed report. This year we have collaborated with our home countries to deliver an international edition. The intention for this report is to provide an additional perspective on the treatment options for pleural effusion and ascites and shows that the subcutaneously tunnelled pleural or peritoneal indwelling catheter (IPC) is used internationally for this treatment.
The report shares detailed results and evaluations of our unique ewimed patient survey. We have been gathering this data from the German patients for the last 14 years. In this report we show and compare the last 5 years of data. Read about changes in the underlying indications for Pleural effusions and ascites, data on punctures before IPC implantation stats and other interesting findings.
Furthermore, the report has a chapter featuring two studies published during 2023. One study is on the efficacy and safety of indwelling catheters for malignant pleural effusions related to the timing of cancer therapy. (Porcel et al. 2023) The second study is (Tergast et al. 2023). Daily low-volume paracentesis and clinical complications in patients with refractory ascites; A retrospective cohort study.
In the chapters of ”Quality of Life in patients with an Indwelling Peritoneal Catheter (IPC)” and ”IPC with Ongoing Chemotherapy,” we share two interviews with physicians which talk about the subject from a clinical perspective. We also share a patient case study from Sweden who describes how his quality of life improved significantly after the implantation of the IPC and a successful self-care routine.
Finally, we end the report with a brief overview of the current situation in the healthcare markets in our European locations.
We hope you find this report valuable and insightful and look forward to hearing your thoughts.
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”Framtidens onkologi – i Sverige och i världen”.
Vi på ewimed tror på konceptet- att ta vården till patienten. Välkommen till vår monter för att diskutera egenvård och patientsäkerhet med PleurX och PeritX!
Skulle du vilja komma i kontakt med oss på ewimed mejla gärna info.se@ewimed.com
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Inspirationsdagar i Palliativ vård i Norrbotten
Inspirationsdagar i Palliativ vård i Norrbotten
Den 28 och 29 november blev Helén Eriksson och Marie Lidén inbjudna att medverka på ”Inspirationsdagar i Palliativ vård i Norrbotten”. Inspirationsdagarna vänder sig till sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor som arbetar i regionen men även i kommunal regi. Vi på ewimed var en av få utvalda utställare. Vi blev även tillfrågade om att medverka i själva föreläsningsprogrammet för att berätta mer om behandlingen med en tunnelerad dränagekateter. ”Det var otroligt roligt och givande att träffa så många kollegor från de norra delarna av landet. Det är ingen tvekan om att vi brinner för våra produkter och vet att de gör skillnad för våra patienter!” Marie berättar
Jag blev inbjuden till inspirationsmässa inom palliativ vård för att representera vår tunnelerade dränagekateter. Produkten som ger patienten både livskvalitet och symtomlindring i livets slutskede. Det är med stort engagemang och glädje som jag varje dag arbetar för att patienter ska kunna vårdas hemma utan besvärande symtom till följd av återkommande vätska. Jag hoppas att min föreläsning på inspirationsmässan bidrar till att fler patienter med återkommande pleuravätska och ascites får glädje av vårt dränage. Säger Helén.
Skulle du vilja komma i kontakt med oss på ewimed mejla gärna info.se@ewimed.com
Om Helén and Marie
Helén Eriksson har över 40 års arbetslivserfarenhet inom vården, hon tog sjuksköterskeexamen från Mälardalens Högskola. Började 1984 på barnakuten på St: Göran i Stockholm där hon blev kvar i 13 år. Därefter arbetade hon inom ambulanssjukvården i Stockholm och sedan ytterligare 6 år i Ljusdal/Delsbo. Mot slutet kombinerade Helén två arbeten, dels ambulansen i Ljusdal/Delsbo men även hemsjukvården. I hemsjukvården hade Helén ansvar för patienter med tunnelerade dränage. Helén började på fenik som företaget hette 2016. Hon bor idag i Järvsö och är ansvarig för Norrbotten, Västerbotten, Västernorrland, Jämtland, Gävleborg, Dalarna och Västmanlands län.
Marie Lidén tog examen som sjuksköterska från Sofiahemmet Högskola 1996 och har arbetat i vården i över 20 år. De senaste 15 åren har Marie arbetat inom palliativ vård som ASIH-sjuksköterska i Stockholms läns landsting. Hon har lång erfarenhet av tunnelerade dränage då hon vårdat patienter med PleurX/PeritX sedan de började användas i Sverige. Marie har också jobbat några år inom akutsjukvården främst på Danderyds sjukhus. Förutom arbete som sjuksköterska har hon jobbat flera år som butikschef på Villeroy & Boch i Stockholm. Marie började arbeta som instruktionssjuksköterka hos oss på ewimed 2022 parallellt med sitt arbete som ASIH-sjuksköterska. Sedan ett år tillbaka är Marie heltidsanställd på ewimed med fokus på kundtjänst och utbildningar.
Skapa möjlighet för patienten att fira jul & nyår hemma med nära och kära!
Skapa möjlighet för patienten att fira jul & nyår hemma med nära och kära!
03 september 2020
Patienter som har behov av en tunnelerad dränagekateter (PleurX/PeritX), bör få den inlagd tidigt för att slippa upprepade tappningar. Planera i god tid för implantation!
Här kommer några tips från oss. Har din patient symptomgivande återkommande pleuravätska eller ascites? Kan patienten sköta dränaget själv eller med hjälpa av närstående? Egenvård ger frihet!
Om patienten vill tappa själv i hemmet hjälper vi gärna till att utbilda patient/närstående.
Självklart utbildar vi även vårdpersonal men under mellandagarna utbildar vi endast via Teams.
Har vårdande enheter utbildningsmaterial och dränageprodukter hemma?
Tänk på att det är begränsat med vardagar under julhelgerna, så det kan vara lämpligt att beställa i extra god tid.
Beställningar för utbildningar och material:
Mejl: info.se@ewimed.com
Tel: 08-25 11 69
God Jul och Gott Nytt År önskar vi på ewimed
Christina, Claudia, Gana, Helen, Johanna, Kerstin, Lena, Marie, Tomas, Rosita och alla våra instruktionssköterskor.