Prior to implantation

Preparations before implantation of an indwelling catheter

A good routine is to always contact your representative at ewimed when you have planned a date for implantation. We will of course help you with the planning. In addition, it is good to consider the following:

  • Make sure there is plenty of fluid in the abdomen/pleura when you insert the catheter. If the patient has a pigtail catheter, it should be removed a few days before the procedure.
  • Inform the patient and pass on our brochure, see Information for the patient.
  • If the patient remains in the hospital after implantation: make sure that the responsible staff has the knowledge and materials to drain the patient. Contact us if you have training needs.
  • It is important to know who is going to do the drainage at home and that they have the knowledge. Get in touch with us if there are training needs.
  • Is the patient on blood-thinning medication? In this case, contact a physician to check whether it should be stopped a few days before the implantation.
  • Preoperative hygiene preparations such as double showers the night before and on the day of surgery. Please contact us for more information.

Do you have any questions?

Here are some of our frequently asked questions.