
ewimed Sweden AB is a specialist in products for drainage of pleural effusion and ascites. You can find more information about us, news about the company and career opportunities within our corporate group here.


ewimed Sweden AB is a specialist in products for drainage of pleural effusion and ascites. You can find more information about us, news about the company and career opportunities within our corporate group here.

Here we have compiled some facts about ewimed Sweden AB and the corporate group we are part of.

ewimed Sweden AB is a specialist in products for drainage of pleural effusion and ascites and has undergone rapid development over the years in an expanding group. Here you can read more about our history.

Our vision and mission as well as our environmental and CSR policy can be found here.

Looking for a new challenge? Do you want to help develop and implement new ideas in a dynamic working environment? Are you interested in working in the medical device industry? We offer several opportunities within the group….

Visit our news area and find out what’s happening at ewimed! Here you will find reports on company activities and interesting news about our sector.

We regularly participate in exhibitions and congresses organised by various medical specialties. This allows us to inform our customers about news about our products and services. Would you like to visit our stand? Then you’ll find out where we’ll be in our events calendar!

Do you have any questions?

Here are some of our frequently asked questions.