ewimed Switzerland AG merged with Nufer Medical AG as of 01.01.2024

The strengths of two companies join forces!

We are pleased to inform you that Nufer Medical AG, a leading Swiss manufacturer, and trading partner in the fields of medical technology and biomedical test devices, has been legally acquired by ewimed Switzerland AG as of 1 January 2024. ewimed, with its locations in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, and Hungary, is one of Europe’s largest providers of drainage systems for the treatment of pleural effusions and ascites.

To remain competitive and innovative in the highly regulated medical technology environment, Egon Wiest, sole owner of Nufer Medical AG since 2014 and co-owner of the ewimed Group, has decided to combine the strengths of the two companies Nufer Medical AG and ewimed Switzerland AG.

ewimed Switzerland AG merges – New company headquarters in Bern

We would like to emphasise that the new company is trading under the name ewimed Switzerland AG and has moved its headquarters from Neuhausen am Rheinfall to Bern.

For all customers and business partners, nothing has changed apart from the company name and address. The contact persons for both companies have remained the same, as all employees have been taken on and are in direct contact with customers as usual.

Renate Marti (ewimed Switzerland AG) and Daniel Urfer (Nufer Medical AG) share the management of the new ewimed Switzerland AG and will continue to build up sales activities in Switzerland together.

ewimed Switzerland AG merges – service remains at the highest level

In the area of service, ewimed Switzerland AG will of course continue to operate at the highest level and the new team is looking forward to continuing to work together in a spirit of trust.